Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flying with Toddlers

I have been in a debate online with mom's who think that people have no right to be annoyed if their child has a screaming tantrum on a plane. This debate does not include babies but is about toddlers who have a melt-down between 20-90 minutes long.

I am a mother myself. I have a 3 year old daughter but I feel that people have the right to ride on a plane without listening to a screaming child for a hour and half. When a child has a melt-down of that magnitude, I blame the parent!! That’s right, I said it folks! The parent is to blame!! Most melt-downs happen when the child is over-tired or hungry.

So, here are some suggestions when traveling on a plane with a toddler.

1) DON'T FLY DURING THEIR NAP TIME. Toddler's are extremely fussy when they are tired and a melt-down will most likely occur. If you think they are going to sleep during a flight, chances are they will not. You will have a over-tired, over-stimulated child!!

2) PLAN ON TRAVELING DURING THE TIME OF DAY, WHEN YOUR CHILD IS AT THEIR CALMEST AND HAPPIEST. This usually tends to be in the morning for most kids.

3) MAKE SURE YOUR CHILDREN ARE WELL-RESTED!!! believe this significantly helps their mood and the chance of a melt-down are reduced.

4) FEED YOUR CHILDREN BEFORE THE FLIGHT AND BRING PLENTY OF SNACKS, INCLUDING BRIBERY SNACKS. Come on people, you are trapped in a aluminum cylinder 32,000 feet up in the air. It's okay to bribe your child up in the air!! believe me, a hundred people on the plane will thank you.

5) LOAD UP ON TOYS!!!!!! I mean bring a FULL backpack just for your child!! I am talking books, games, toys, music, portable DVD player, and whatever else that occupies your child. Tip: the toys you are planning to take with you on the plane, pack them away a couple of weeks before you leave--Your child will be excited to play with them again (like a new toy) and it will occupy them. Also, be prepared to play with your child the whole time. No rest or reading a book for the parent, unless the child is asleep.

6) BRING YOUR CHILD'S CAR SEAT ON THE PLANE. Your child is familiar with this seat and it helps make them feel secure in an unknown place.

7) I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH--LET YOUR CHILD BURN SOME ENERGY BEFORE THEY GET ON THE PLANE!!!! Toddlers have so much energy and they can only stand to sit for a specific period of time, so save the sitting time for the plane. Let them walk and run before getting on. I found that buying one of those $10.00 monkey backpacks with a leash at wal-mart was Gold at the airport!! She could walk through the airport and I didn't have to worry about her running off.

8) IF YOU HAVE A LAYOVER--PICK ONE THAT WILL GIVE YOU AMPLE AMOUNT OF TIME TO FEED YOUR CHILD AND LET THEM RUN AND STRETCH THEIR LEGS BEFORE GETTING BACK ON THE PLANE. You may arrive at your destination later then when you would like but having a happy child on a plane is sooooooo worth it.

As a parent, you are responsible for your children. Everybody paid good money for their tickets, it is our job as parent to be aware of our child's needs and to be courtesy of other people. Believe me, it is worth it to take the extra time to schedule your trip around you child. I guarantee you that at the end of the plane ride, individuals that around you will compliment your child on how well behaved they were. Also, your child is happy and had a great time flying. Everybody wins, even though you will be exhausted at the end of the trip. ;)

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